Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ethics in Photography

This week in class we also learned about ethics in photojournalism and what that looks like.  Sometimes photographers are faced with the challenge of whether or not to capture an image and show it to the public or to others.  These images can be very controversial but I feel they are necessary to capture real events. The photograph below shows the body of  15-year-old Fabienne Cherisma, who was shot and killed by police after stealing two plastic chairs and three framed pictures during the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.  Some people would say that the photographers are like vultures - each one attempting to get the best version of the image and exploiting this horrible crime. Others who view this image would argue that this is a necessary part of covering such a story.  How do you feel about this image?  

© Nathan Weber @ http://erickimphotography.com/blog/2011/04/is-this-photo-ethical/

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