Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Photojournalist from our history...

by James Nachtwey for TIME
 In 1994 TIME photographer James Nachtwey witnessed the devastating effects of the Rwandan genocide. James Nachtwey is one of the many photojournalists who's work I admire.  Mr. Nachtwey has the ability to capture the human condition through the viewfinder of his camera.  The photograph above speaks volumes to me about the genocide that took place in Rwanda.  This image makes we wonder what type of person could chop another across the face with a machete; not once but several times?  What amount of hatred must this person have had in their heart? This image just makes me FEEL.  James Nachtwey is the type of photojournalist who runs towards the action as other people are running away and that makes for a great story!

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