Sunday, February 16, 2014

Charlotte Pride 2013

Under beautiful blue skies on August 25th 2013, a cheering crowd waving rainbow flags lined Tryon Street to partake in the first gay pride parade in Charlotte North Carolina in 19 years.  Mayor Patsy Kinsey, as well as two openly gay City Council members, rode in the parade, accompanied by a marching band, floats, motorcyclists and a show of corporate support that ranged from a double-decker Bank of America bus to the Wells Fargo stagecoach. Attendance for the Pride weekend was estimated at 70,000-75,000, including 20,000 for the parade, according to media chairman Matt Comer. Protesters were not a big presence along the parade route, but a few did make their opinions known. Richard Pope, 62, waved a King James Version Bible at the marchers as they went down Tryon Street. Many of the attendees welcomed the inclusive atmosphere of the parade but said more work needed to be done to protect the rights of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender population in North Carolina. In 2012, N.C. voters approved Amendment One, which bans gay marriage in the state.

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Love is Love

Corporate Sponsor, Bank of America

Local Drag Queen; Buff Faye
Messages of love and of repentance
Awesome Entertainment from The Scorpio Club
Judith Hill from THE VOICE

Street preacher vs. crowd